Disney Infinity TRON Map Making

All about Maps, Mods & Creating them
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Disney Infinity TRON Map Making

Post by HangmanEXE »

I honestly didnt know where to post this; so if the mods decide to make a Disney Infinity sub forum section then please feel free to relocate this post to that area; but given the map building nature of the game itself I figured I would post this here for the moment.

Greetings Programs

I wanted to swing by and see if any of the old TRON 2.0 mod community was currently building maps in the Disney Infinity games. I know alot of you will say that its crap an a basic block builder but you can fudge things a bit in that game as its a "kids toys in his room powered by imagination" so with that being the case you can fake alot of stuff. lol

But I was currently building some rather large builds and wanted to try making some vintage TRON world stuff an found I was able to get the game "roughly" the same as the vintage movie world looked with playing around with blocks/shapes and texture options within the game.

I wanted to see if any of you would be interested in joining me for some random build fun or just online casual friends within the game.
I will say up front that Disney Infinity is a "[MUCHHHHHhhhh]" more casual nature kind of editing and building type of game than TRON 2.0. While I know alot of us love the TRON 2.0 diehard building; lordy knows I miss working on my Sark Carrier; but I figure alot of you are like me; getting older an have things slowly becoming ever more complex and time consuming in our lives as we get older; so I figured that some of you might find this a bit more of an enjoyably map building experience given its lite casual nature.... an if nothing else it would keep alot of us in contact till something BIG BIG TRON specific comes out eventually... I hope. lol

But, if anyone is interested in hanging out on the PS4 and playing the game some my PSN id to add me is...


...catch ya later programs,I will keep my fingers crossed that I get to hear back from some of you!

In my day we didn't need these fancy R,G,B, LCD an 3D colors!
A program was happy to process 15 megacycles just to get to use monochrome display! You program's today wouldn't know a hard microcycles work if it came up and derez'd ya from behind!
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