Need help with City Hub on Insane difficulty

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Need help with City Hub on Insane difficulty

Post by xenobuzz »

Greetings, programs!

As I've played through the game MANY times, I thought I'd try my hand with Insane.

It hasn't been too bad, but now I'm stuck in the City Hub trying to defend the Comm Towers.

I'm using the Primary Disc because the Sequencer drains energy too quick (despite it being maxed already) and the animation that happens when you switch from Sequencer to Primitive makes me vulnerable.

Any tips? Should I try the Ball Primitive instead?

LMK if a screenshot of my selected Subroutines would be helpful. I've already maxed Corrosion and the Primitive Damage increase and I have all my armor on as well, though not all are maxed.

I'm not above using a cheat code here. I don't need to beat the game on Insane without a little fudging, I just wanted to play it through on that level as a fun challenge.

Thanks very much!
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Re: Need help with City Hub on Insane difficulty

Post by kernel »

Well if you're still interested I'll try to have something for you at some point.
I'm re-installing and enjoying again...
Nice to see someone still around.
I wonder what could be done to sort of breathe another breath of life into public interest in this game.
I think some people just need a heads-up, a reminder, or an anniversary homecoming.
I've told so many people about the user-written mod underworld of Tron 2.0 who knew nothing about it but thought it was boss.
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