More Arrrg

General information about the upcoming film: Tron Legacy
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More Arrrg

Post by Daddyo »

Probably already figured out, but was thinking the word files here look like they could be arranged in maybe a grid if you had a mac, given that it had a .DS_Store file with them. The files themselves looked like ASCII representations of bitmaps? There seems to be a sync word '@@@' every 8 lines, and 9 characters across each line.

The only characters in the documents I noticed so far were:

# = 0x23 hex
@ = 0x40
' = 0x27
, = 0x2C
. = 0x2E
; = 0x3B
: = 0x3A
+ = 0x2B
carriage returns = 0x0D

netting a total of 8 possible characters.

Viewing the file with a hex editor it says '42 Entertainment' - well at least their job wasn't completely taken over by Disney! Next time they need to clean their word documents! Perhaps they could use a part-time programmer?

Anyone interested in figuring out some of the picture/code?
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Daddyo »

I noticed this is running again. Wouldn't it be cool to print a bookcover and put it on your shelf of this?


From here:

Anyone look at this yet?

The link say's gygax, Gary Gygax invented the dungeons and dragons role playing game, used all kinds of crazy sided dice. I think you're trying to fit a 12-sided die together with edges that match (seen the movie Contact?). How many sides was Bit/Byte?
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Daddyo »

If you haven't yet, try this out, it's pretty cool!, click on the scrambled image on top.

I don't know what to do with this final code, no picture to see on, hmm...
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Mor.Evil-1 »

You enter the code on helloflynn and a window will pop up that says:
end of line

You will then be awarded the end of line badge on flynn lives.

It is everyones hope that they will mail out one last cool swag for completing this task.
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by zook_one »

What code? the beeper page number?
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by deeahchur »

I tried that number as well, but it didn't work. I admit I didn't call the pager number, though.
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Mor.Evil-1 »

Heres a break down of how it works for anyone else out there that might like to try the site:
First you will need a cell phone and a computer to do the game.

Go to the digital pulse site and click on the flashing digital pulse in the right top corner.
Once clicked it will take you to
Read what it says and click the link to start the game.
Wait for it to load.

Zack will start talking to Mac and instructions will follow from them.

When ready you will be prompted to enter a phone number in a pop up box.
Enter your phones number.
You will then receive a phone call to your phone. 555-555-5555.
The phone recording will then prompt you to enter your technician code now: 3713
Once you have done that the recording will say access granted or something like that.

From this point, Hit any number, and then the recording will prompt you to start entering 3 digit codes.
It will take to long to type out the next part so to save time just enter 982.

From this point the recording will say some stuff and hang up.
Basically you have unlocked the digital pulse.

Next you will see more dialog from Zack and Mac saying we did it the pulse is open, something is happening, yadda yadda and so on.

The next part is cool as it will start a a bunch of pop ups and Legacy score.
If you havent seen it, I wont spoil it as its pretty cool to watch.

When the video is over,
There will be a screen showing a black pager with a number on it.
You will need to call the number and listen for the error code and write it down.
Here is the code to help save time: VGP2X9U229VL
This is a code to enter on (Make sure your logged into HF to use the code)
Also if you know morris code, the orange beeper light flashes out the word electrify.
Which then leads you to this web site:

When you enter the code on HelloFlynn, it pops up another screen:
end of line.

And there you have it.
If you followed all those steps you will now have the end of line badge on and have completed the end game congrats!

Keep your fingers crossed they send out one last cool item of swag for completing this.

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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Daddyo »


Thanks, I heard the last code letter wrong, time for a new cell.

Do you think it's worth waiting in line Monday for the advanced screening, and possibly not getting in? You think it could get swamped? I'm not sure I'm up for it.
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by Mor.Evil-1 »

Considering the same arguments here amigo.

Think I will be giving it a shot.
They state no one is able to wait in any form of a line until 5pm.
So If there are to many people attempting to camp out,
Worst case, we can just leave.

Let me know if you decide to go.

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Re: More Arrrg

Post by TronFAQ »

Much as I'd love to go see Legacy on the first day, I know the lineups will be insane. I'll probably wait a few days and catch it in the afternoon when there should be a lot less people trying to get in.
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by bigbangbilly »

tronfaq wrote:Much as I'd love to go see Legacy on the first day, I know the lineups will be insane. I'll probably wait a few days and catch it in the afternoon when there should be a lot less people trying to get in.
Thank you for warning me about the the possibility of the lack of good seating. I would consider myself lucky if I even arrive early.
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Re: More Arrrg

Post by deeahchur »

For completing the pulse, I received my "Flynn Lives" badge today!

Yay! Small x-Mas present o me!
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