Deadly Disks of TRON

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Post by TRON.dll »

The Guitar Hero World Tour drumset will have 3 drum pads, two cymbals, and a kickpedal that are all velocity sensitive. You seem to have described the Rockband 2 drums. :D

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Post by Avi »

Either way, he's right.

If your age consists of more than a single digit, you should not be playing a plastic guitar with bright plastic buttons on it in front of your TV and acting like you're playing in a band. Have a little self-respect.

My son wants an electronic drum set for Christmas, which I will happily buy. It is not a Rock Band toy, but an actual device used to develop a skill, make music, increase dexterity and stamina, and be creative with. We just went to Circuit City to buy a power supply for my PC, and as we passed the Guitar Hero display he didn't even notice it.

I guess the appeal is that it's easier than actually learning to play the guitar, which is infinitely more satisfying than getting a high score in a video game. And in real life, even if you screw up a note or two the girls are still waiting backstage. 8)
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Post by TRON.dll »

Let's get a few things straight:

1) I never said that toy plastic guitars/drums are any better than their real counterparts. I have tried to express previously that any comparison between the two is IRRELIVENT.

2) If you're going to criticize a company's music game controller, criticize Harmonix (they make Rock Band). Harmonix is a music company that makes games, and several of their employees have bands, I.E. Freezepop. Therefore, considering that they are a music company, their controllers should be the most accurate.

3) I know I'm not strumming the guitar hero/rock band guitar controller. But note how it is a controller and not a real guitar. Sure, it looks like a real guitar, but that's because the theme of the game is guitars. It simply wouldn't make sense to have it shaped like a bagpipe or other musical instrument, now would it?

4) If you hate Guitar Hero so much, why would you post in a Guitar Hero/Rock Band thread? I never bashed any real instruments. I never criticized real guitarists. When I play Guitar Hero/Rock Band, I play it to have fun, not to insult real guitarists. I understand that it's much more satisfying to learn to play real instruments. I can speak from experience, I can play the piano quite well, and I would be thrilled if they released a "Keyboard Hero" even if it wasn't anything like real piano.
Avi wrote:I guess the appeal is that it's easier than actually learning to play the guitar, which is infinitely more satisfying than getting a high score in a video game. And in real life, even if you screw up a note or two the girls are still waiting backstage.
That's like criticising Auric for getting the world record in Afterburner. Here's an anology:

Guitar Hero : Afterburner
Proffesional Guitarist : F-14 Pilot

Now, please stop bashing Guitar Hero in a Guitar Hero thread and only post here if it's on-topic, and in case you forgot, the topic is my Tour Group on the Guitar Hero Community. 8-)

Timewaster Games = teh w00t :D

Post by NicolA.exe »

Looks like we are to witness an union of a guitarhero clan in a Tron based forum. Very funny. Looks like people completely got bored with Tron 2.0 related things. :D
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Post by SweatyPyro »

NicolA.exe wrote:Tron 2.0 related things. :D

What's Tron 2.0? :?

Post by NicolA.exe »

@Super Mario

That's the game u just played but never loved. :P
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Post by SweatyPyro »

...Sorry, doesn't spark a memory with me. :o

Post by NicolA.exe »

Well Super Mario, .. Tron 2.0 never was a game for u but at least u made some friends because when u started to play it online u were very young. One of ur first best pal was Purge.exe. I'm sure u remember him. I remember u were talking to him often thru a certain Teamspeak channel. ;)

Meanwhile he has used many other nicks & he still was activ for a while on the gamegrid aswell. U know that people keep their patterns even if they try to hide. There is no way u wouldn't smell it.

Cowards! :P ;)
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Post by SweatyPyro »

purge? He works for the government now. *cough*

But really, what's this Tron boogus? If this is a joke, I get it.

Re: Deadly Disks of TRON

Post by NicolA.exe »

I always have been joking arround. *tee hee*. This forum still is alive. I was surprised. :)
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Re: Deadly Disks of TRON

Post by Load81 »

NicolA.exe wrote:I always have been joking arround. *tee hee*. This forum still is alive. I was surprised. :)
hopefully, as long as there is Tron, there will be this forum... 8-)
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Re: Deadly Disks of TRON

Post by TRON.dll »

I think I almost had a heart attack when I saw this thread get bumped.

It was terrifying..

Timewaster Games = teh w00t :D
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