No need to apologize for anything.HangmanEXE wrote:Again my appologies, if I have offended alot of ppl, I will be more than happy to leave the forum. It wasnt my intention [at all] to offend anyone. Again, I posted when I was not in my right mind -emotionally, an things came out wrong.
Again, I appologise

I think that X is just trying to guide you into setting more realistic expectations and goals for yourself, and the community as a whole. I'll get to what I mean by that in a moment.
I don't really see people abandoning modding 2.0 for Evolution. Evolution doesn't have an official SDK, and modding it isn't sanctioned or supported. We are completely on our own in this regard. And although there is much better documentation and tools for the Unreal engine as a whole (what with Evolution using Unreal), there is still going to be a lot of trial and error involved.HangmanEXE wrote:I am [HONESTLY] NOT trying to start something! I am ONLY trying to see that Tron 2.0's moding community not die off with the new games release and everyone seeming to be moving on to it an leaving 2.0 behind.
The thing is, though: there's never been much interest in modding in the first place. Even all this time, since Tron 2.0 came out 7 years ago.
Now, this was aggravated by the poor state of the documentation and tools. I'll grant you that. But still, there simply hasn't been that much interest in modding. The community of people who are enthusiastic about it has always been small. Particularly within the established Tron fan sites. You yourself came here to our site, because over at Tron-Sector, pretty much no one over there cares about modding.
In fact, they're not really even interested in trying out community made mod projects. I've seen more enthusiasm from outside the hard-core Tron fandom, than from within. And that's kind of sad. But that's the way it is, and has always been.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't expect much interest, support, or enthusiasm when it comes to collaborating on mod projects. Be it for 2.0 or Evolution. We have a few fans here who are enthusiastic about it, but don't anticipate many more to show up. Trying to get the few who are genuinely interested to pool their resources, is definitely a laudable goal though.